St. Jude 54th Anniversary
BY The Anthony R. Abraham Foundation
February 6, 2016

May the Spirit of Hope ride on the Wings of all those stricken with a catastrophic disease, knowing that Saint Jude Children’s Research Hospital is your Beacon of Hope.
We called him Uncle Dany, with his passion, love , humor and dedication embraced by hundreds of thousands of volunteers and supporters, Danny’s dream that “no child should die in the dawn of life” was the torch bearer messenger of Hope for those stricken with a Catastrophic Disease.
Danny Thomas, rallied his supporters and surrounded himself with men and women of his Lebanese heritage which he was so proud, promising to build a shrine of Hope, Saint Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
With dedication and belief and embodied with the spirit of being “proud beggars” The original founding members Saint Jude Children’s Research Hospital helped Danny Thomas’s dream come alive.
Today the Anthony R. Abraham Foundation pay’s tribute to all those original founding board members with Danny Thomas in creating the greatest catastrophic Children’s Research Hospital in the world.
Happy 54 Anniversary Uncle Danny and St. Jude.
Thomas Abraham
Anthony R. Abraham Foundation