Supporting Cornerstone Jamaica’s See Better Learn Better initiative
The Anthony R. Abraham Foundation
March 31, 2021

The Anthony R. Abraham Foundation is proud to be a supporter of Cornerstone Jamaica’s See Better Learn Better initiative which provides comprehensive and sustainable vision care for the purpose of improving literacy, learning, and the future of Jamaican schoolchildren.
For more info. you can watch the following video:
تفخر مؤسسة أنتوني آر أبراهام بدعمها لمبادرة “سي بيتير ليرن بيتير” التابعة لمؤسسة “كورنرستون جامايكا” والتي توفر رعاية بصريات شاملة ومستدامة بغرض تحسين محو الأمية والتعلم ومستقبل أطفال المدارس في جامايكا.
Anthony R. Abraham is proud to support the Cornerston Jamaican Cornerstone Foundation’s C. Abraham Foundation, which provides comprehensive and sustainable optical care to improve literacy, learning and the future of Jamaican schoolchildren